Disability Rights Advocacy Boot Camp
Facilitated by Everybody Counts, Inc. - Funded by Indiana FSSA’s Bureau of Rehabilitative Services
Phone: 219/769-5055 VP: 219/232-1063
For many years, there has been a powerful movement across the country
to make the promise of true equality for people with disabilities a reality.
But too often, members of Indiana’s disability community report that
they’ve been given the message that they shouldn’t rock the boat too much.
Some even say that real changes will only come to Indiana when pigs fly.
While our peers in other states have been able to collaborate and achieve
meaningful change, we’ve been asked to settle for small victories.
Solid information + leadership training + true collaboration = real change.
Together, we’re going to make pigs fly in Indiana!!!
It’s time to make it happen!
We’re building a diverse state-wide coalition of disability rights advocates
who want to learn what it takes to bring about real change, and get prepared
to fill important paid and voluntary roles on state councils, task forces, etc.
We know that you’re out there! Will you join us?
Selected participants will review the history of the disability rights movement,
discuss what the Independent Living Movement was intended to accomplish,
hear from national leaders, learn about relevant legislation and regulations,
practice team-building skills and develop questions for current decision-makers.
We will hold five different unique 3-day EmPOWERment Experiences at locations
across the state. All lodging, meals and whatever additional support you need
to participate in this potentially life-changing experience will be provided.
You’re too valuable and important not to be a part of this!
Please share this information with others who may be interested,
and feel free to call or e-mail us if you have any questions or concerns.